Contact Court Administrator Maria King for 3/6/2006 court hearing to validate fraud.
King's # is 651-377-7180
Chris Krych is a "civilly committed" (a euphemism for "indefinitely detained") American citizen in Moose Lake, MN. This blog is Chris Krych's story and thoughts in his own words. In order to preserve the integrity of Mr. Krych's writings, all posts here are scanned copies of letters Mr. Krych sends to me. Everything scanned is authentic and unedited in any way by Once Fallen, the host of this blog. To leave a direct message for Chris Krych, call 218-351-1900, extension 24624
Contact Court Administrator Maria King for 3/6/2006 court hearing to validate fraud.
King's # is 651-377-7180
Note; "Beef Stew" is Chris's slang for the totality of his complaints against those at the MSOP and the judge wo condemned him.